Cremation Remembrance Products
in Parkersburg, WV

Honor Loved Ones with Remembrance Products
Kirby Monument Company offers beautiful, cremation remembrance products in Parkersburg, WV. We offer etching and engraving for urns, vases, and monuments. Choose from various colors, styles, and sizes of urns made from high-quality materials. You can trust that Kirby Monument Company will provide you with a long-lasting, durable remembrance product.
Most memorials are custom designed in-house. We take great pride in ensuring our products meet your satisfaction. Call us today at (304) 422-2066 to schedule a consultation. You can also stop by our Parkersburg, WV, location to see what we have in store. Consultations are available over the phone or in-person.

Kirby Monument Company Offers Products for Parkersburg, WV
Kirby Monument Company in Parkersburg, WV, offers various cremation remembrance products. We can use colors, images, and work with any style that you choose from. Our team has the tools, skills, and experience to create any remembrance product that you want. Talk with our staff today about the following memorials:
Upright Single and Companion Cremation Memorials
Cremation Urns for Vases
Cremation Flat Memorials
Bench Styled Cremation Monuments
Children’s Memorials
Specialty Cremation Items (Plaques, Garden Art Memorial, Pet Memorials)

Call Kirby Monument Company for Cremation Remembrance Products
Residents in and around Parkersburg, WV, come to us for quality cremation remembrance products. We take our customers’ needs very seriously with every job. Our staff of friendly professionals always goes above and beyond the call of duty for our clients. We take great pride in making sure our cremation remembrance products come out exactly how you want them. Our customers mean a lot to us, and we strive to serve them in the best way possible.